Saturday, February 16, 2008

Lara Joyce 2nd Birthday

Lara Joyce is my youngest cousin. But this little girl is more fondly called "Tiyang Lara". She just turned 2 last December but she already has 3 pamangkins courtesy of her fellow cousins.
Lara Joyce with her 3 pamangkins (L-R) Aeszen, James, Tyang Lara and my Jamaica
This is the cake i made for her when she celebrated her 2nd birthday. Her mama Emma, my aunt requested for an orange chiffon cake and so, I obediently did. :)


david santos said...

Happy birthday, for Jara loyce.
Have a good weekend

david santos said...

Sorry, Lara Joyce.
(And not Jara loyce.)
Thank you.

Jasmine said...

heloo, thank you for posting comments.

Norm said...

happy 2nd birthday lara joyce!God bless you always..

THE ANiTOKiD said...

Now, I'm hungry! And I kid you not! :)
